Avesta - Wikipedia
The Zoroastrian scriptures are called the Avesta and the classical explanations, interpretations and commentaries are called the Zend or Zand. An old edition of the Avesta with Zand interspersed is called the Zend Avesta or Zand Avesta. www.famigliafideus.com www.famigliafideus.com Avesta, The Sacred Books of The Parsis | Karl Friedrich ... pdf, 8.94 mb Abdul basit shah Karl F.Geldner had done a great job on his part in bringing out such a monumental work,The Avesta,Holy book of the Parsees,though he was more interested in Vedic studies than in Avestan.We are highly indebted to him.
There is a three-volume text of the Avesta, in its original script, edited by Karl Friedrich Geldner. Reichelt, Avesta Reader, contains extracts, some in the original script and some in Bartholomaean transcription. A full translation by James Darmesteter và L. H. Mills forms part of the Sacred Books of the East series, but is now regarded as Zend - Wikipedia Zend or Zand (Middle Persian: 𐭦𐭭𐭣 ) is a Zoroastrian technical term for exegetical glosses, paraphrases, commentaries and translations of the Avesta's texts. The term zand is a contraction of the Avestan language word za i nti (𐬰𐬀𐬌𐬥𐬙𐬌', meaning "interpretation", or "as understood".. Zand glosses and commentaries exist in several languages, including in the Avestan Tradução Português do Zend avesta - Babylon Software Avesta, da palavra pálavi p(y)stʾk/abestāg às vezes aportuguesado como Abisteco, faz parte das escrituras sagradas do zoroastrismo, que são os textos do Avesta e os textos do Pálavi.
Zend - Wikipedia Zend or Zand (Middle Persian: 𐭦𐭭𐭣 ) is a Zoroastrian technical term for exegetical glosses, paraphrases, commentaries and translations of the Avesta's texts. The term zand is a contraction of the Avestan language word za i nti (𐬰𐬀𐬌𐬥𐬙𐬌', meaning "interpretation", or "as understood".. Zand glosses and commentaries exist in several languages, including in the Avestan Tradução Português do Zend avesta - Babylon Software Avesta, da palavra pálavi p(y)stʾk/abestāg às vezes aportuguesado como Abisteco, faz parte das escrituras sagradas do zoroastrismo, que são os textos do Avesta e os textos do Pálavi. Zend Avesta 01 Italiano Gustav Theodor Fechner. Baixe no formato PDF, TXT ou leia online no Scribd. Sinalizar por conteúdo inapropriado. salvar Salvar Zend Avesta 01 Italiano Gustav Theodor Fechner. para ler mais tarde. 0 0 voto positivo, Marque este documento como útil 0 0 voto negativo, Marcar este documento como inútil Incorporar.
Apr 24, 2008 · Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. Avesta Texts- Zoroastrian Scriptures The Zoroastrian scriptures are called the Avesta and the classical explanations, interpretations and commentaries are called the Zend or Zand. An old edition of the Avesta with Zand interspersed is called the Zend Avesta or Zand Avesta. www.famigliafideus.com www.famigliafideus.com
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PDF Available. La medicina nell'Avesta. Widēwdād 7, 20, 21, 22. Studio filologico, traduzione e commento dei testi avestici e medio-persiani. Con un saggio sugli studi sulla medicina