Juan Reinaldo Sánchez’s “The Secret Life of Fidel Castro ...
Juan Reinaldo Sanchez: Fidel Castro’s bodyguard who blew ... Jun 03, 2015 · Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro’s bodyguard and personal aide for 17 years. But having fled Cuba, he recently blew the whistle on what he called Castro… Juan Reinaldo Sanchez - amazon.com Born 1949 in Havana, Cuba, Lieutenant Colonel Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for 17 years as well as intelligence officer from the Cuban Ministry of Interior (Minint). As well as protecting the Cuban leader's life he also trained the bodyguard team surrounding him. Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, Fidel Castro's former bodyguard ... May 27, 2015 · Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, who served as Cuban leader Fidel Castro's bodyguard for 17 years, died earlier this week in Miami, the company that published his book said. He was 66.
May 24, 2014 · Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, a former bodyguard who spent 17 years in Castro's service, claims the 87-year-old Cuban leader lives in the lap of luxury while pretending to be a frugal communist Inside Fidel Castro’s life of luxury and ladies while ... Nov 27, 2016 · Alina remains one of her father’s most outspoken opponents. “When people tell me he’s a dictator, I tell them that’s not the right word,” she told the Miami Herald. “Strictly speaking, Fidel is a tyrant.” Castro’s second wife and widow, Dalia Soto del Valle, is the least known of Castro’s women, Sanchez … Muere Juan Reinaldo Sánchez, el escolta de Fidel Castro ... Juan Reinaldo Sánchez, guardaespaldas personal de Fidel Castro durante 17 años, murió este lunes por la noche en su exilio de Miami a los 66 años a causa de una enfermedad pulmonar. LA EXTRAÑA Y RÁPIDA ENFERMEDAD Y MUERTE DE JUAN … Juan Reynaldo Sánchez, el ex coronel del Ejército castrista que fuera jefe de la escolta del tirano Fidel Castro, que después de dejar Cuba se atrevió a desafiar a la mafia castrista al escribir un libro en el que relataba la vida de lujos del tirano mayor, y sus manejos y contubernio con los carteles del narcotráfico, seguramente se
Born 1949 in Havana, Cuba, Lieutenant Colonel Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for 17 years as well as intelligence officer from LIEUTENANT COLONEL JUAN REINALDO SÁNCHEZ was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for seventeen years before being imprisoned in 1994 for the Nov 28, 2016 John Simpson interviews Castro's former bodyguard, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez. The public image of Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro is that of Lieutenant Colonel Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for 17 years before being imprisoned in 1994 for the "crime" of wanting to The Double Life of Fidel Castro. My 17 Years as Personal Bodyguard to El Lider Maximo. Juan Reinaldo Sanchez with Axel Gyldén; Translation by Catherine Jun 16, 2014 Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for 17 years. As such, he spent his days and many of his nights up close with Apr 15, 2017 Born 1949 in Havana, Cuba, Lieutenant Colonel Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for 17 years as well as
Apr 15, 2017 Born 1949 in Havana, Cuba, Lieutenant Colonel Juan Reinaldo Sanchez was Fidel Castro's personal bodyguard for 17 years as well as Responsible for protecting the Lider maximo for two decades, Juan Reinaldo Sánchez was party to his secret life – because everything around Castro was La vida oculta de Fidel Castro es un libro publicado en 2014 escrito por el cubano Juan Reinaldo Sánchez, guardaespaldas durante casi dos décadas del El teniente coronel Juan Reinaldo Sánchez (La Habana, 1949 - Miami, 2015) fue guardaespaldas personal de Fidel Castro entre 1977 y 1994. Cuando anunció 6 Results The Double Life of Fidel Castro: My 17 Years as Personal Bodyguard to El Lider Maximo. 19 Jul 2016. by Juan Reinaldo Sanchez and Axel Gylden Read "The Double Life of Fidel Castro My 17 Years as Personal Bodyguard to El Lider Maximo" by Juan Reinaldo Sanchez available from Rakuten Kobo. In The
Juan Reinaldo Sánchez Crespo was one of the dozen or so defectors from Cuba’s intelligence and security services I interviewed when researching Castro’s Secrets. We met on a number of occasions in